Choosing a career is one of the crucial decisions of our lives. Something which will reflect our life and it is something from which we are known (our own identity). This decision must be taken by us. My buddies, our wellwisher can help in reaching that direction of life. Remember, Many can help out in achieving or to reach that. That decision must be ours. For that, we need to ask ourselves irrespective of what others are doing. 

1. Ask ourselves 

This is the first step in choosing the right career. My buddies, Asking ourselves is most important to take the right decision. As there are innumerous options available with us. It is normal for people to shift from the previous profession to a new profession. 
It is important to ask a few questions to ourselves.
Check this link(another blog) to solve those questions before this.

2. Make a list of occupations which you wanted to approach

Make a list is another important thing which we are supposed to do. As we know, From our first day in this world till now, we were engaged in many things that we love to do and which we strongly wanted to make our profession. For instance, someone who is engaged in cooking and loves to do cooking with having amazing speaking skills can start a youtube channel (Cooking).

Still, confused about which option to choose?

Do one thing to come to conclusion. Just consult the ones who are in the same profession and decide with them. Remember, this step is not sufficient. We need a demo to come to a final decision. 

My buddies, here I wanted to say just like we take a demo class from the new teacher to know we are able to understand the concepts from that respective teacher. Just like that, we need to have detailed knowledge about that profession to come to conclusion. 

3. Interest

Interest is the one thing which really matters in our life. When we are taking a decision related to the profession. Then, Interest is the foremost thing that must be considered. Just know our interest and see the magic happen in our life. 


Albert Einstein loves his work, This is the biggest reason for his popularity.

#motivate #motivational #ucanifu

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